World Bank Nepal country director Mr. Johannes Zutt said he is “very impressed” while visiting two of the UN Habitat project sites – “Community based Decentralized Waste Water Treatment System” at Sunga in Madhyapur Thimi Municipality and Open Defecation Free (ODF) campaign in Nangkhel, Bhaktapur. The visit was organized by GSF programme as Mr. Zutt wanted to learn about the sanitation movement in Nepal prior to his visit to the UN General Assembly to present to UN Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki Moon. The visit was led by Habitat Program Manager Mr. Padma Sundar Joshi and Regional Technical Advisor Mr. Bhushan Tuladhar. Ms. Rosemary Kiragu and Ms. Esther Naibei from UN-Habitat Headquarters also joined the team. Tuladhar provided detailed information about the projects and the sites, functioning of the projects as well as the achievements and shared some success stories. Along with acquiring information, Mr. Zutt also talked with the members of the community who were directly benefitted by the program and also with the members of the partner NGO “SOYA”. He said, “I was just amazed by the ‘triggers’ and how they could convince the local villagers who are mostly illiterate and don’t care anything about health and sanitation. See for an article written by Mr. Zutt following the field visit.