Timeframe: 1st January 2021 to 31st
December 2023
Partnership: UNICEF (GLOBAL)
Locations: Kenya & Nepal (UN-Habitat), Ethiopia &
Bangladesh (UNICEF)
Project Overview:
This is a global normative project aimed at supporting
UN-Habitat’s ongoing efforts to refine global methodologies and assessment
tools for SDG 6.2 and SDG 6.3.1. The project, jointly implemented by UN-Habitat
and UNICEF, will also support the development of generic technical guidelines,
tools, training materials and knowledge management products such case studies,
thematic learning notes and technical notes on the City-Wide Inclusive
Sanitation (CWIS) approach at global and regional level contextual for the
country adaptation.
These normative products will be
tested, adjusted, and validated in four pilot countries, with UN-Habitat
leading implementation in Nepal and Kenya with UNICEF leading implementation in
Ethiopia and Bangladesh. The project will also build national and subnational
capacity to integrate and advance CWIS in national-level programming (through
national urban policies) and integrate CWIS approach and principles into GWOPA
network of partners.
Project Objective:
The Project will:
CWIS Service Framework: