December, 6 (Dharan) – As part of Green Homes Nepal project’s capacity building program for urban youth and women with the purpose of green jobs creation under the a 3 day long training of sustainable construction materials was held in Dharan from December 6-8. The training was jointly conducted by UN-Habitat and Dharan municipality and supported by Nepal Basobas Basti Sanrakshan Samaj, Dharan. Along with the training of sustainable construction materials the training also focused on familiarization of issues such as global warming, greenhouse gas emission and how the brick embodies energy level than hollow concrete block. A total number of 54 participants took part in the training including 12 females. The training was based both on theoretical and practical basis. The one and half day was theory based and the other one and half day was practical based. During the practical each and every participant practiced the making of hollow concrete block and mixing of mortar. Executive director of Dharan Municipality Mr. Bhoj Raj Khatiwada chaired the opening and closing session of the training. Mr. Khatiwada praised UN-Habitat’s effort for creation of the green jobs by capacity building programs like this especially focusing on urban youths and women who are in need of it. After the training, most of the participants committed to establish the factory and some assure to construct their houses using the hollow concrete block.