November 29, Pokhara — With the aim of raising awareness on sustainable housing among related stakeholders including local people, Small and Medium Enterprises (SME)s as well as the policy makers in the government level, UN-Habitat jointly with Pokhara Sub-metropolitan City (PSMC) and Pokhara Chamber of Commerce (PCCI) organized a one day workshop in Pokhara on Nov 29. The workshop entitled Promoting Sustainable Housing- Municipal Planning Workshop focused on discussion and preparation of planning to promote and implement and sustainable housing in PSMC. The workshop also worked on to prepare collective agenda from related stakeholders to develop incentive mechanism through PSMC to promote sustainable housing in Pokhara. Interim Executive Officer of PSMC Mr. Om Raj Poudel who chaired the meeting showed commitment to promote sustainable housing in Pokhara. He said that PSMC will continue its regular environment education programs, capacity building programs in coordination with UN-Habitat and related stakeholders to promote green homes effectively. In his welcome speech, PCCI’s president Mr. Sanjeev Bahadur Koirala highlighted that this project will be a good opportunity of employment for those who want to start green business. Mr. Koirala further mentioned that since PSMC is applying building code in Pokhara, this Green Homes project would complement this building by laws process while constructing new buildings in Pokhara Following the welcome remarks, Mr. Padma Sunder Joshi, Habitat Program Manager from UN-Habitat presented an overview of green homes highlighting its objectives, activities and key components. Mr. Joshi also discussed ongoing rapid urbanization at global and national level and its consequences in human settlements in our environment. Dr. Santosh Shrestha, from UN-Habitat presented on green building construction materials. Highlighting the current building practices and its effects, he presented green building materials and its features as well as some initiatives in this area in Nepal. Ms. Yasoda Shrestha, Programme Officer, UN-Habitat presented on possible green services at household level and its current practices in the context of Nepal. During her presentation she highlighted on water management, waste management and waste water management practices at household level to address current urban challenges in Nepal. Ninety-seven participants from PSMC environment section department, representative from tole level, representative from eighteen different wards and SMEs participated in this workshop. During the workshop group work and discussion was also held on the title the theme of “the activities to be done at community and PSMC promote green homes in Pokhara”. Each group prepared their views as per the topic from group discussion. After group discussion, one representative from each group presented on given topic. Also the PMSC also expressed commitment to incorporate ideas of green homes presented during the workshop for the promotion of green homes in Pokhara.