KATHMANDU, Dec 18: Ministry of Land and Reforms and Management (MoLRM) has organized a national symposium on the lands issues in the capital. The seminar was supported by United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN Habitat), International Organization for Migration (IOM) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). According to a statement issued by the organizers, the seminar was a part of ´Catalytic Support on Land Issues´ project which is being implemented in Nepal jointly by IOM, UNDP and UN Habitat with funding from the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund. These funds are managed through the UN Peace Fund for Nepal. Most of the speakers of the seminar stressed on implementation of the National Land Use Plan. It also supports in piloting of a participatory land use planning process at the national, districts and local levels. Speaking at the event Prem Prasad Dangal, member of the National Planning Commission (NPC), emphasized the importance of integrating agrarian reform together with land reforms and improved land management through land use planning for combating challenges of food security, climate change and land conflicts. Likewise, officials of Nepal Peace Trust Fund highlighted on the importance of addressing land issues for sustainable peace. They also expressed commitment to work together with MoLRM in this area. Representatives from IOM and UNDP highlighted on different aspects of land issues being undertaken under the project. Various working papers from the perspective of vulnerable groups, gender, non-governmental and governmental perspective on how land tenure and land planning issues need to be addressed were presented in the symposium. The symposium was attended by representatives of different political parties, civil society organizations, and academicians in addition to senior government officials. Source: Republica