7 July 2018, Lalitpur All together 90 students and 30 visitors from Institute of Engineering Pulchowk Campus arrived at Bungamati at 9:00 am to start the heritage walk right from the Bungamati Bus park with guidance from CIUD throwing lights on historical, cultural, architectural and urban perspective of Bungamati. The tour stopped at certain important places of Bungamati such as Lachhi, Macchindrabahal, Prathampur Mahavihar, De Pukhu, Chohel Nani and Karyabinayak to make all the participants aware of importance of public spaces of Bungamati. Then at around 12:30 pm all the students and visitors had their refreshment break till 1:30 pm. Soon after that the students performed some cultural dances to entertain the visitors as well as locals. The heritage walk ended in that way. The second part of event was measurement and mapping of 3 public open spaces of Bungamati which were 1. Lacchi 2. Machhindrabahal 3. Dey Pukhu. All architecture students got divided into 5 groups with 8 pupils in each group. Two groups worked in Lacchi, another two groups worked in Machhindrabahal and remaining one group worked in Dey Pukhu. The survey started from 2pm and ended at 4:30 pm with full support and guidance from CIUD and LUMANTI. At the end of the day the students departed having lunch in Machhindrabahal at around 5:30 pm .