UN-HABITAT has developed a checklist for mainstreaming gender under the second phase of Cities and Climate Change Initiatives (CCCI) initiated by UN-Habitat in 20 cities of 13 countries. The check list is being tested in different countries and Nepal (Kathmandu Valley) is one of those few countries chosen by UN-HABITAT. The purpose of testing the tool is (a) to test, tailor and disseminate the gender and climate change checklist in the context of Kathmandu Valley (b) to disseminate the findings to the stakeholders for adaptation of the toolkit to mainstream gender in climate change initiatives. The checklist had been tested in Kathmandu valley varying from policy makers to local authorities and even incorporated valuable inputs from the communities with specific focus on women and their respective experiences and concerns. To share the findings of the tested checklist, a dissemination workshop was organized on 10th April 2012 in Kathmandu bringing together individual experts and those participated in the interaction, representatives from, all the five municipalities in the Kathmandu Valley and representatives from civil society organizations and grassroots organizations and the government. The major objectives of this gathering are: